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Gerry 28-May-2015 11:21
Thanks Randy for the photos and info on your Graflex. I just bought a Graflex RB Super D 4x5 and your site, photos and suggestions for improvements were very helpful. After seeing the images you made I decided taking the camera and making photos in Asia was a possibility. Thanks so much Gerry
Charles Helms 21-Jan-2010 20:32
I haven't seen Clyde Turner in a few years,but was just thinking about him the other day and thinking how nice it would be to have a web page on him and his.LO and behold,I typed in his name and here i am.Very nice job Randy.I will have to go see him and get some strawberry candy and be called peterhead.Clyde's the Man.Remember back a few yrs. when martinsville paper had a picture of his building with the still on top.Long live Clyde
Tino 10-Jun-2009 14:28
Is this the Clyde turner that used to work for Dixie Arc?
kelly whitlow 16-May-2008 14:54
Great job on YMCA Pre-school pictures , how you get my 2 year old to take sure great pics is beyond me ! Great Job !!!
Dave and Pat Wilhite 19-Feb-2008 13:09
Randy, did a fantastic job with our family photos in December. I am recommending Randy to everyone.
Guest 29-Apr-2007 14:12
your family galleries are great! everyone seems so happy. and the fishing pix. are awesome! thanks for sharing. L
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:25
Great work, your photo galleries are fantastic.
Bill Henness 06-Dec-2005 14:49
Very good photography I think. My pictures aren't nearly as good as yours.
bender 04-Oct-2004 00:47
Hi! Stumbled on this site after doing a search for Zonefest, which I particpated in last year as a 98.7 The Zone employee.. Man, I was surprised to see your work, and how wonderful it is, not only of last year's concert but all the other pics as well.

Also freaked out when I saw a few unexpected pics of me as well. Yikes. Wonder what others of me are lurking on the net... None of me in a swimsuit I hope!
Take care, tell Matt I said Hi...

David Jones 11-May-2004 21:04
We had the good fortune of stumbling onto Randy to do our wedding photography. We came away speechless at the results. The photos were outstanding and the price was even better. I am sure that once you hire Randy, you will leave a very happy person, with money still in your wallet.
Guest 22-Mar-2004 16:53
I realy like your photos.i vote your gallery :)
Doug_the_Eagle 13-Mar-2004 21:48
Wow. Very nice!
Janice Lewis 15-Jun-2003 23:29
I have enjoyed browsing through your pictures. My favorites were the ones taken on the Parkway. The sunset was beautiful.
Rodney Boles 09-Jun-2003 03:09
Randy, Really enjoyed your pictures. I'm from Winston originally and my wife's parents have land on the Dan,
so I know your subject matter well. The Old Salem trip was especially inspiring. I think I might head there
next weekend from here in Raleigh and take some pics. My Great Grandparents are actually buried in that
graveyard. Keep up the good work!
Don Currin 01-Mar-2003 14:19
Dear Randy,

Great set of pictures. Your work is to be commended.


Don Currin
Mary Pickett 20-Feb-2003 05:10
Your work is very impressive. My personal favorites are landscapes, especially the Blue Ridge and the autumn and winter streams and falls. The street scene in red, blue, and yellow from the Danville gallery is exceptional.
Ed Lane 04-Dec-2002 12:12

Great site! I haven't looked at all the pictures yet, but I will. Keep it up.

Cousin Ed