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Randy's Recent Galleries

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05-Aug-2024 10:05
Some images made with the Graflex RB Series D
:: Some images made with the Graflex RB Series D ::
14-Jan-2021 12:12
Classic Cyanotype Process
:: Classic Cyanotype Process ::
30-Dec-2020 23:45
December 2020
:: December 2020 ::
28-Aug-2020 20:08
Humming Bird with an 8X10 camera
:: Humming Bird with an 8X10 camera ::
05-Sep-2016 22:35
Kayaking at the Martinsville Reservoir Sept. 2016
:: Kayaking at the Martinsville Reservoir Sept. 2016 ::
12-Jul-2016 22:28
Family Visit July 2016
:: Family Visit July 2016 ::
10-May-2016 18:41
:: products ::
07-Nov-2015 14:04
Matt & Kate Wedding ~ October 3rd, 2015
:: Matt & Kate Wedding ~ October 3rd, 2015 ::
06-Jul-2015 16:50
The Yard
:: The Yard  ::
12-Jun-2015 21:59
Family visit May/June 2015
:: Family visit May/June 2015 ::
23-Feb-2015 23:35
Large Format Portraits
:: Large Format Portraits ::
02-Jan-2015 00:13
The Peoples Cemetery - Martinsville, VA
:: The Peoples Cemetery - Martinsville, VA ::