Keke Hipolit by hdf_art
Day 24 by Wladimir Fernandes Junior
Labadee - Haiti by Wladimir Fernandes Junior
2009 Oct Nov Haiti by Rachel
Bidonville - Photos Port-au-Prince. Cap-Haïtien. Saint-Marc... (Att. Copyright) by IHAM- CHRD
(click here to see pictures taken by Nancy) by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Manifestations de la commémoration des 199 ans de l'Indépendance by IHAM- CHRD
(click here to see pictures taken by Jean) by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Ile à Vache by Otchoa Datcharry
Jean Adrien Siede by hdf_art
Personnalités: - Politques - Historiques - Littéraires - Religieuses - Etc... Archives l'IHAM-CHRD by IHAM- CHRD
Henry Robert Bresil by hdf_art